The list of failed attempts with making money online is extremely long and the numbers will always be unknown. Make no mistake about it, until you really learn what needs to be done, making money on the net can seem impossible. If you truly desire to earn money with a web business, then try to believe you can do it. The answer is simple - if you've got the fire within you, you will make it no matter what. Here are a few well-tested approaches to make money online that you should read and use.
There will be times when you'll have to trust your guts; so if your instinct says something strongly, go for it. There is really nothing so new at all about that, and people have been doing it as long as business has existed. But until then, you have to focus your efforts on believing in yourself. So yes, you have to sometimes depend on your instincts when it comes to moving forward in your journey to earn a better online income.